Hi, We are Narrative.
A full-service digital agency from Bedford, UK, specialising in web design, integration, ecommerce & digital marketing.
Web Design
Full service Web Design Agency
Full eCommerce Solutions
Narrative provide a full range of the services you need for effective eCommerce. From simple eCommerce to get you started, with the option of product photography & SEO copywriting for product descriptions and digital marketing, all the way to ongoing conversion rate optimisation and eCommerce systems that integrate with your business systems for real-time inventory management & optimised CRM.
Web Development
Done Properly
Our approach to software development is based on doing things properly. Everything we build has reliability, scalability and security as the foundations and we work with technologies that that have been tried and tested. We don't take risks with out clients' businesses.
We test all our products before they go live and then we monitor and track them for reliability, performance and security, making regular backups of your data and content because anything can happen.
Tactical & practical
Underneath every tactical element of your organisation’s web presence there might be a startling array of enterprise technologies at work. From content-managed web-sites that integrate with back-office systems for inventory, CRM, booking systems & CPQ to branded email templates for automated marketing, they all need to work together for your business to succeed.
Open SOurce
We use open source technologies. This keeps costs down and, because they are constantly being tested & refined by thousands of people around the world at any moment, provides a steady stream of security & performance improvements.
Clients we have helped