Brightpearl Integration for WooCommerce

Keep track of your inventory across multiple sales channels with our WooCommerce Brightpearl Connector. eCommerce integration is just one of the ways Narrative delivers more connected websites


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Brightpearl Connector

We developed our own Brightpearl connector for more powerful, flexible integration.


Customer Specific Price Lists

Wholesale & Retail Sales


Product Grouping & Bundles


Our custom Brightpearl Connector can integrate with multiple eCommerce platforms but has been especially developed to work with WooCommerce.


Multiple Shipping Carriers

Sync with regional warehouses

Built for WooCommerce


Fast, efficient, multi-channel inventory management

Built for WooCommerce

We originally built the Brightpearl Connector for WooCommerce because nothing else was good enough. Then we kept on making it better.

Brightpearl Woocommerce Connector
Woocommerce Brightpearl
Integrate Brightpearl with Woocommerce
Brightpearl for Wordpress
Built for WooCommerce by Wordpress Experts

Built from Experience

We were Wordpress & WooCommerce experts before we built the Brightpearl Connector for WooCommerce. Our clients wanted multi-lingual, multi-currency websites that could sell to retail & wholesale customers with personalised price lists and product bundles. They wanted wholesale customers to see different products and have credit limits... so we built our own Brightpearl Connector so they could have the eCommerce tools they needed.

Send Orders to Brightpearl

Our Brightpearl Connector seamlessly passes new orders to BrightPearl as soon as the customer submits it on your website.

Create new contacts

If a customer does not already exist in Brightpearl, a new customer s created with all their all their details when they order.

Realtime Inventory

Never sell products that are out of stock with realtime inventory synchronisation.

Update Existing Customers

When an order is placed, our Bright Pearl Integration checks if that customer already exists and adds the order to their existing Brightpearl account.

Wholesale & Retail Pricing

Our integration with Brightpearl offers multiple pricelists, so your wholesale customers get their own trade prices and your retail customers get retail prices, all on one website.

WooCommerce Integration

No other WooCommerce Brightpearl connector has the flexibility and wealth of features that the Narrative integration offers. Tell us what you need and, if it isn;t available already and can be done, we can add it.

Proven Reliability

We created our first Brightpearl Connector in 2017 and have been refining it  ever since. Over the years we have evolved and enhanced it, increasing its functionality, speed and reliability. 

Our connector does what you'd expect, and updates eCommerce inventory levels from Brightpearl in real time, combines the CRM, order processing, accounting, fulfilment, and reporting into a single reliable platform. Orders and payments are passed to Brightpearl as they are created and updated from Brightpearl with status changes and shipping information.

But then we built on Brightpearl’s built-in inventory management services, taking full advantage of its multichannel sales to add in additional features. Our Brightearl connector can enable a single eCommerce store to sell multi-currency, to wholesale & retail customers, with custom price lists and sending order to local warehouse locations.

It has been designed to work with the inherent capabilities of WooCommerce and offers the most flexible, resilient, reliable connector on the market. It's the ultimate Brightpearl Connector Integration that delivers greater flexibility & features in Wordpress. We can also integrate Brightpearl with other ecommerce platforms, CRM, and more. 

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