The Brief
Create some eye catching graphics to be displayed on boards & posters at multiple careers fairs, to get young people to explore careers in digital. As long as you understand that the type of people who work in digital tend to like data, facts, and clear communication, this was quite a straightforward and fun little project.
We gathered data from a range of sources including the Office for National Statistics (always a favourite source) and created a few A2 boards & posters.

The Sustainable Approach
The careers events only lasted a few weeks in total, which meant the graphics weren’t going to be used for long, so they needed to be produced responsibly to have minimal waste. The posters were printed on sustainably sourced paper, and then mounted on recycled card for the boards.
Career Fair
Digital is an area within the creative industries that has seen, and continues to show growth. Careers in digital covers a wide range of roles from marketing to website development.